这篇是 ACL 2019 的一篇论文,研究多跳问答,主要采用了神经规则学习方法,写的很清晰,同时还提供了代码,属于近年来这个方向很有启发性的工作。

论文:NLProlog: Reasoning with Weak Unification for Question Answering in Natural Language


0. 摘要


在本文中,我们描述了一种以新颖的方式将神经网络逻辑编程相结合的模型,用于解决自然语言上的多跳推理任务。具体来说,本文使用 Prolog 证明器,并对其进行了扩展,使得它能够利用预训练句子编码器的相似性函数。我们通过反向传播微调相似函数的表示,这使得系统可以将基于规则的推理应用于自然语言,并从训练数据中引入特定领域的规则。

我们在两个不同的问答任务上评估了所提出的系统,表明它在 WIKIHOP 语料库的一个子集上优于两个基线——BIDAF 和 FASTQA,并在 MEDHOP 数据集上取得了有竞争力的结果。

1. 引言

我们考虑自然语言数据上的多跳推理问题。例如,考虑“苏格拉底出生在雅典”和“雅典属于希腊”的陈述,以及“苏格拉底出生在哪里?”的问题。根据给定的陈述,有两个可能的答案,即“雅典”和“希腊”。虽然答案“雅典”直接来自“苏格拉底出生在雅典”,但答案“希腊”需要读者结合这两个陈述,使用出生在城市 X、位于国家 Y 的人的知识,得到也出生在 Y 的答案。这个组合多条信息的步骤被称为多跳推理。在文献中,这种多跳阅读理解任务经常通过端到端可微(深度学习)模型来解决。这样的模型能够通过从数据中学习单词和句子级别的表示来处理自然语言的语言可变性和歧义。然而,在此类模型中,解释导致答案的推理步骤并解释模型参数以推断新知识是一项非常具有挑战性的任务。此外,此类模型往往需要大量训练数据才能正确泛化,并且如何结合背景知识仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。


在本文中,我们介绍了 NLProlog,一个将符号推理器和规则学习方法与分布式句子和实体表示相结合的系统,以对自然语言输入执行基于规则的多跳推理。NLprolog 能够生成可解释的模型,并能够容易地结合先验知识。它可以应用于自然语言,而无需将其转换为中间逻辑形式。 NLprolog 的核心是一个反向链接定理证明器,类似于 Prolog 推理器使用的反向链接算法,其中符号之间的比较被它们之间的可微相似度函数所取代。为此,我们使用端到端的可区分句子编码器,这些编码器使用预训练的句子嵌入进行初始化(sent2vec),然后在下游任务上进行微调。可微微调目标使我们能够从自然语言数据中学习特定领域的逻辑规则——例如关系的传递性。我们在两个具有挑战性的多跳问答数据集上评估我们的方法,即 MEDHOP 和 WIKIHOP。

我们的主要贡献如下:i)我们展示了如何通过使用预训练句子嵌入、逻辑证明器和通过反向传播进行微调的组合将反向链接推理应用于自然语言数据,ii)我们描述了如何可以通过基于分布式表示(嵌入)的可微统一函数来增强 Prolog 推理器,iii)我们在两个不同的问答(QA)数据集上评估所提出的系统,并证明它与强大的神经 QA 模型,同时使用学习规则提供可解释的证明。

2. 相关工作

我们的工作总体上涉及基于弱统一的模糊逻辑,并侧重于 QA 的多跳推理、逻辑和分布式表示的组合以及问答的定理证明。

多跳问答推理:用于 QA 的多跳推理。在神经 QA 模型中启用多跳推理的一种突出方法是通过集成来自上下文句子嵌入的信息迭代更新查询嵌入,通常使用注意力机制和某种形式的递归。这些模型在许多以推理为重点的 QA 任务中取得了最先进的结果。赫纳夫等人采用可微分的内存结构,每次处理一条新信息时都会更新。内存槽可以用来跟踪各种实体的状态,这可以被认为是一种时间推理的形式。同样,建立在可微存储结构上的神经图灵机动态记忆网络已被用于解决综合 QA 问题需要多跳推理。丁格拉等人修改现有的神经 QA 模型,以额外合并由共指解析模型提供的共指信息。德曹等人构建连接实体的图并应用图卷积网络执行多跳推理,这在 WIKIHOP 上取得了很好的结果。钟等人提出了一种新的神经 QA 架构,它结合了粗粒度和细粒度推理,在 WIKIHOP 上取得了非常好的结果。上述所有方法都将推理作为一系列不透明的可微操作隐式执行,这使得中间推理步骤的解释非常具有挑战性。此外,在推理过程中如何利用用户定义的推理规则并不明显

神经-规则联合方法:在人工智能领域中,整合符号和子符号表示是一个长期存在的问题。我们的工作与 Markov Logic Networks (Richardson and Domingos, 2006) 和 Probabilistic Soft Logic (Bach et al., 2017) 与词嵌入的集成非常相关,后者应用于识别文本蕴涵 (RTE) 和语义文本相关性 (STS) 任务,在纯粹基于规则和神经基线的基础上进行了改进。已经研究了神经多跳推理模型的一个领域是知识图谱补全 (KBC)。虽然 QA 原则上可以建模为 KBC 任务,但由于自然语言固有的模糊性,从文本构建知识库 (KB) 是一个脆弱且容易出错的过程。与我们的方法非常相关的是神经定理证明器(NTPs)(Rocktäschel 和 Riedel,2017):给定一个目标,其真值分数是通过使用可微统一算子通过反向链接推理算法的连续松弛度来计算的。由于候选证明的数量随着证明的长度呈指数增长,NTP 甚至无法扩展到中等规模的知识库(就是说时间效率太低,无法完成),因此不适用于当前形式的自然语言问题。我们通过使用外部证明者和预训练的句子表示来有效地丢弃所有产生低于给定阈值的证明分数的证明树来解决这个问题,从而显著减少候选答案的数量

问答定理证明:我们的工作并不是第一个将定理证明应用于 QA 问题的工作。安杰利等人(2016 年)采用基于自然逻辑的系统在大规模知识图谱中搜索包含候选答案的单个语句。这与我们的方法不同,因为我们的目标是学习一组结合多个陈述来回答问题的规则。Watson 和 COGEX 等系统使用集成定理证明器,但需要将自然语言句子转换为逻辑原子。在 COGEX 的情况下,这将底层系统的准确性提高了 30%,并增加了它的可解释性。虽然这项工作在本质上是相似的,但我们通过将文本转换为三元组的更简单方法替换自然语言到逻辑的转换,从而大大简化了预处理步骤。Fader 等人提出了 OpenQA,这是一个混合使用手写和自动获得的运算符的系统,这些运算符能够解析、解释和重写查询,这允许它们对包括 Open IE 三元组的 KB 执行大规模 QA。虽然这项工作具有相同的目标——使用自然语言三元组表示的事实来回答问题——但我们选择通过整合神经方法来解决语言的易变性问题,并通过学习逻辑规则来关注多个事实的组合

3. 背景

下面,我们简要介绍 Prolog 推理器使用的反向链接算法和统一过程(2016),它是 NLProlog 的核心。我们考虑由一组以 Horn 子句形式的规则组成的 Prolog 程序:


其中 h,pi 是谓词符号,fij 是函数(用小写表示)或变量(大写)。函数符号的域用 F 表示,谓词符号的域用 P.h(fh1 ,...,fhn) 称为头部,p1(f11 ,...,f1m) ∧ ... ∧ pB(fB1 ,...,fBl ) 为规则的主体。我们将 B 称为规则的主体大小,主体大小为零的规则称为原子(原子公式的缩写)。如果一个原子不包含任何变量符号,则称为事实。为简单起见,我们在实验中仅考虑无函数 Prolog,即 Datalog (1978年提出来的) 程序,其中所有函数符号的元数为零并被称为实体,并且与相关工作类似 (Sessa, 2002; Julián- Iranzo et al., 2009),我们也忽略了否定和析取(或和非运算)。但是,原则上 NLProlog 也支持具有更高元数的函数。 Prolog 推理器的核心组件是统一运算符给定两个原子,它试图找到使两个原子在语法上相等的变量替换。例如,原子 country(Greece,Socrates) 和 country(X,Y) 在统一后导致以下变量替换:{X/Greece,Y/Socrates}(就是发现 X 在位置上等价于 Greece,Y 在位置上等价于 Socrates)。

Prolog 使用反向链接来证明断言。给定一个目标原子 g,此过程首先检查 g 是否在 KB 中明确说明——在这种情况下,它可以被证明。如果不是,该算法尝试通过应用适当的规则来证明它,从而生成接下来要证明的子目标。为了找到适用的规则,它试图将 g 与所有可用规则的头部统一起来。如果这种统一成功,则将生成的变量替换应用于规则体中的原子:这些原子中的每一个都成为一个子目标,并且每个子目标都使用相同的策略递归地证明。

例如,将规则 country(X,Y ) ⇐ Born_in(Y,X) 应用于目标 country(Greece,Socrates) 将产生子目标 Born_in(Socrates,Greece)。然后对所有子目标重复该过程,直到没有子目标需要证明。此过程的结果是一组规则应用和变量替换,称为证明。请注意,可能证明的数量随着其深度呈指数增长,因为每个规则都可能用于每个子目标的证明。弱统一的伪代码可以在附录 A 中找到——我们推荐读者参考 (Russell and Norvig, 2010) 以深入处理统一过程。

4. NLProlog

将逻辑推理器应用于 QA 需要将自然语言段落转换为逻辑表示,这是一个脆弱且容易出错的过程。我们的目标是用三元组形式的自然语言表示进行推理,其中实体和关系可能出现在不同的表面形式下。例如,文本提及位于并表达相同的概念。

我们建议用弱统一算子 (Sessa, 2002) 替换 Prolog 统一算子中符号之间的精确匹配,这允许通过使用可微相似函数 s1 ~θ s2 ∈[0,1] 比较它们的表示来统一两个不同的符号,参数为 θ。

使用弱统一算子,两个逻辑原子之间的比较会产生一个分数,该分数是由每个相似性分数的聚合产生的。受模糊逻辑 t 范数 (Gupta and Qi, 1991) 的启发,聚合算子是所有分数的最小值或乘积。弱统一的反向链接的结果是一组证明,每个证明都与一个证明分数相关联,用于衡量目标相对于给定证明的真实程度。与仅考虑成功证明的后向链接类似,在 NLProlog 中,最终证明成功分数是通过对所有找到的证明的成功分数取最大值来获得的。 NLProlog 结合了基于弱统一算子分布式表示的推理,以允许对从自然语言语句获得的子符号表示(例如嵌入)进行推理。

每个自然语言语句首先被翻译成三元组,其中第一个和第三个元素表示句子中涉及的实体,第二个元素表示连接实体的谓词。然后将每个三元组中的所有元素(实体和谓词)嵌入到向量空间中。这些向量表示被相似性函数 ∼θ 用于计算两个实体或两个谓词之间的相似性,并且反过来,由具有弱统一算子的反向链接算法用于为给定断言推导证明分数。请注意,得到的证明分数对于模型参数 θ 是完全端到端可微的:我们可以通过将预测误差反向传播到 θ 来使用基于梯度的优化来训练 NLProlog。图 1 显示了模型架构、组件及其相互作用。


  • 图1:NLProlog 概述——所有组件都被描述为椭圆,而输入和输出被绘制为正方形。红色背景的短语是实体,蓝色的是谓词。

4.1 三元组抽取

为了将支持文档转换为自然语言三元组,我们首先通过使用 spacy 包执行实体识别来检测实体。从这些中,我们通过提取在同一个句子中共同出现的所有实体对来生成三元组,并将该句子用作使实体蒙蔽的谓词。例如,句子“苏格拉底出生在雅典,他的父亲是 Sophronicus”被转换为以下三元组:

i)(Socrates,ENT1 出生在 ENT2,他的父亲是 Sophronicus,雅典),

ii)(Socrates,ENT1 是出生在雅典,他的父亲是 ENT2,Sophronicus),

iii)(雅典,苏格拉底出生在 ENT1,他的父亲是 ENT2,Sophronicus)。


4.2 相似度计算

三元组中符号的嵌入表示是使用编码器 eθ 计算的:F∪P → Rd 由 θ 参数化。其中 F,P 表示实体和谓词符号的集合,d 表示嵌入大小。得到的嵌入用于引导相似函数∼θ: (F∪P)^2 → [0,1],并将它们的余弦相似度缩放到 [0,1]。


在我们的实验中,为了使用文本表面模式,我们使用由静态预训练组件(即 sent2vec (Pagliardini et al., 2017))和多层感知器 (MLP) 组成的句子编码器一个隐藏层和整流线性单元 (ReLU) 激活。为了编码谓词符号和实体,我们使用随机初始化的嵌入矩阵。在训练期间,MLP 和嵌入矩阵都是通过反向传播学习的,而句子编码器保持固定。

此外,我们为规则和目标的谓词符号引入了第三个查找表和 MLP。这种选择的主要原因是目标和规则谓词的语义可能不同于事实谓词的语义,即使它们共享相同的表面形式。例如,查询 (X,parent,Y) 可以解释为 (X,is the parent of,Y) 或 (X,has parent,Y),它们在语义上是不同的。

4.3 训练编码器

我们通过基于梯度的优化在下游任务上训练编码器参数 θ。具体来说,我们通过反向传播训练 NLProlog,其中训练模型以确定 Prolog 程序是否对候选三元组 c ∈ C 的真实性进行判定,其中 C 是一组候选三元组。目标是一个模型,它将高概率 p(c|R; θ) 分配给真正的候选三元组,将低概率分配给假三元组。在训练期间,我们最小化以下损失:


其中a ∈C 是正确答案。为简单起见,我们假设每个示例只有一个正确答案,但适应多个正确答案将是直截了当的,例如通过取所有答案分数的最小值。

为了估计 p(c|R; θ),我们列举了三元组 c 的所有证明,直到给定深度 D,其中 D 是用户定义的超参数。这个搜索产生了许多证明,每个证明都有一个成功分数 Si。我们将 p(c|R; θ) 设置为此类证明分数的最大值:


请注意,最终证明分数 p(c|R; θ) 仅取决于具有最大成功分数 Smax 的证明。因此,我们建议首先使用由当前参数 ∼θt 诱导的相似度函数的证明器进行证明搜索,这允许我们计算最大证明分数 Smax。每个证明的分数由弱统一分数的聚合(使用最小值或乘积函数)给出,而这些分数又通过可微相似度函数 ∼θ 计算。因此 p(c|R; θ) 是端到端可微的,可用于通过随机梯度下降更新模型参数 θ。

4.4 证明搜索的时间复杂度


为了使事情易于处理,NLProlog 仅尝试统一相似度大于某个用户定义的阈值 λ 的符号。此外,在一个语句 q 的搜索步骤中,对于其余的搜索,只要找到具有成功分数 S 的 q 的证明,λ 就设置为 max(λ,S)。由于所采用的聚合函数的单调性,这允许修剪搜索树而不会失去找到产生最大成功分数 Smax 的证明的保证,前提是 Smax ≥ λ。我们发现这种优化对于在考虑的数据集上进行证明搜索规模至关重要。

4.5 规则学习

在 NLProlog 中,推理过程依赖于描述谓词之间关系的规则。虽然可以写下涉及自然语言模式的规则,但这种方法无法扩展。因此,我们遵循 Rocktäschel 和 Riedel (2017) 并使用规则模板来执行归纳逻辑编程 (ILP) (Muggleton, 1991),这允许 NLProlog 从训练数据中学习规则。在此设置中,用户必须定义一组具有给定结构的规则作为输入。然后,NLProlog 可以通过最小化方程中的损失函数来从数据中学习规则谓词嵌入,并使用基于梯度的优化方法

例如,要引入可以模拟传递性的规则,我们可以使用形式为 p1(X,Z) ⇐ p2(X,Y ) ∧p3(Y,Z) 的规则模板,NLProlog 将实例化多个规则随机初始化 p1、p2 和 p3 的嵌入,并在下游任务上微调它们。规则模板的确切数量和结构被视为超参数。

除非另有明确说明,否则所有实验均使用相同的规则模板集进行,其中包含针对每种形式 q(X,Y ) ⇐ p2(X,Y )、p1(X,Y ) ⇐ p2(Y ,X) 和 p1(X,Z) ⇐ p2(X,Y ) ∧p3(Y,Z),其中 q 是查询谓词。这些规则模板的数量和结构可以轻松修改,允许用户结合额外的特定领域背景知识,例如born_in(X,Z) ⇐born_in(X,Y ) ∧ located_in(Y,Z )。

5. 评价

MedHop 和 WikiHop 数据集:MEDHOP 是一个具有挑战性的多跳 QA 数据集,并且只包含一个查询谓词。 MEDHOP 的目标是通过考虑支持文件中提到的蛋白质之间的相互作用来预测两种药物是否相互作用。支持文档中的实体映射到数据库标识符。为了计算更好的实体表示,我们反转这个映射并将所有提及的内容替换为从 DRUG-BANK 和 UNIPROT 收集的药物和蛋白质名称。

基线模型:为了进一步验证我们方法的有效性,我们评估了 WikiHop 的不同子集,每个子集都包含一个查询谓词。我们考虑谓词 publisher、developer、country 和 record_label,因为它们的语义确保带注释的答案是唯一的,并且它们包含相对大量的问题,这些问题被注释为需要多跳推理。对于谓词 publisher,这会产生 509 个训练问题和 54 个验证问题,对于 developer,对应 267 和 29,对于 country,对应 742 和 194,对于 record_label 对应 2305 和 283。由于 WikiHop 的测试集不公开,我们报告了验证集的分数。

超参数设置:BiDAF 和 FastQA。



  • 表1:在各个谓词的开发集上,不同谓词的准确度得分百分比。 +/- 表示对基本算法的独立修改


  • 图2:由 NLProlog 生成的示例证明树,显示了多个规则的组合。实体以红色显示,谓词以蓝色显示。请注意,实体不需要完全匹配。第一个和第三个证明是在没有实体 MLP 的情况下获得的(如第 5.7 节所述),而第二个证明是在 NLProlog 的完整配置中获得的。

规则影响:NLProlog 为谓词 record_label 和 country 生成的示例性证明可以在图 2 中找到。为了研究基于规则的推理对预测性能的影响,我们进行了一个消融实验,我们在没有任何规则模板的情况下训练 NLProlog 。结果可以在表 1 的下半部分找到。在五个评估数据集中的三个上,当没有规则可以使用并且其余两个数据集没有变化时,性能显着下降。这表明使用逻辑规则进行推理在某些情况下是有益的,而在其他情况下不会损害性能。

实体嵌入影响:在定性分析中,我们观察到在许多情况下,多跳推理是通过对齐实体而不是通过应用多跳规则来执行的。例如,图 2 中可视化的语句国家(Oktabrskiy Big Concert Hall,Russia)的证明是通过使实体 Oktabrskiy Big Concert Hall 和 Saint Petersburg 的嵌入足够相似来执行的。为了衡量这种影响的程度,我们评估了一种消融,其中我们移除了实体嵌入之上的 MLP。可以在表 1 中找到的结果表明,微调实体嵌入起着不可或缺的作用,因为性能急剧下降。有趣的是,观察到的性能下降比没有规则的训练要糟糕得多,这表明大部分推理实际上是通过找到实体嵌入的合适转换来执行的(相似度评估很重要,因为完全匹配是不太容易的)。

错误分析:我们对每个 WIKIHOP 谓词进行了错误分析。为此,我们检查了其中一个神经 QA 模型(使用 SENT2VEC)产生正确预测的所有实例,而 NLProlog 没有,并用预先定义的错误类别标记它们。在 55 个实例中,49% 的错误是由于 NLProlog 统一了错误的实体,主要是因为过度依赖启发式算法,例如预测唱片公司是否与艺术家来自同一个国家。在 25% 的情况下,NLProlog 产生了正确的预测,但另一个候选被定义为答案。 22% 的预测是由于谓词统一中的错误,即 NLProlog 识别了正确的实体,但句子没有表达目标关系。此外,我们对所研究的 WIKI-HOP 谓词的所有问题进行了评估,这些谓词在 Welbl 等人的支持文本中被一致标记为包含正确答案。在这个子集上,NLProlog 的微平均准确度显示出 3.08 pp 的绝对增加,而 SENT2VEC 增强的 BIDAF (FASTQA) 的准确度下降了 3.26 (3.63) pp。我们推测这可能是由于 NLProlog 的依赖在显式推理上,这可能使其不太容易受到查询和支持文本之间的虚假相关性的影响。

6. 结论和未来工作

我们提出了 NLProlog,一个能够在自然语言上执行基于规则的推理的系统,并且可以从数据中学习特定领域的规则。为此,我们建议将符号证明者与预训练的句子嵌入相结合,并使用反向传播训练得到的系统。我们在两个不同的 QA 任务上评估了 NLProlog,表明它可以学习特定领域的规则并产生在大多数情况下优于两个强基线 BiDAF 和 FastQA 的预测。

虽然我们在这项工作中专注于一阶逻辑的一个子集,但 NLProlog 的表达能力可以通过结合不同的符号证明器来扩展。例如,时间逻辑的证明器将允许用自然语言对时间动态进行建模。我们也有兴趣结合符号证明器、三元组提取系统和预训练句子表示从而实现改进,以进一步提高 NLProlog 的性能。此外,在存在多个 WIKIHOP 查询谓词的情况下研究 NLProlog 的行为会很有趣。

7. 数据集分析



    "id": "WH_train_85",
    "query": ["mario party 6", "developer", "X"],
    "answer": "hudson soft",
    "candidates": ["actor", "camelot software planning", "flagship", "hudson soft", "intelligent systems", "legend", "microsoft", "namco", "nd cube", "nintendo", "sony", "square"],
    "supports": [
        ["Mario Party 8", "After the development of __ENT1__ , several of Hudson Softs key designers left to work for Nintendo subsidiary __ENT2__ , developers of Wii Party .", "Nd Cube"],
        ["Hudson Softs", "After the development of Mario Party 8 , several of __ENT1__ key designers left to work for Nintendo subsidiary __ENT2__ , developers of Wii Party .", "Nd Cube"],
        ["Nd Cube", "Starting in 2012 with Mario Party 9 , __ENT1__ has taken over development of the series from __ENT2__ .", "Hudson Soft"],
        ["Mario Party 8", "After the development of __ENT1__ , several of Hudson Softs key designers left to work for Nintendo subsidiary Nd Cube , developers of __ENT2__ .", "Wii Party"],
        ["Hudson Softs", "After the development of Mario Party 8 , several of __ENT1__ key designers left to work for Nintendo subsidiary Nd Cube , developers of __ENT2__ .", "Wii Party"],
        ["Nintendo", "After the development of Mario Party 8 , several of Hudson Softs key designers left to work for __ENT1__ subsidiary __ENT2__ , developers of Wii Party .", "Nd Cube"],
        ["Nintendo", "After the development of Mario Party 8 , several of Hudson Softs key designers left to work for __ENT1__ subsidiary Nd Cube , developers of __ENT2__ .", "Wii Party"],
        ["Mario Party", "Starting in 2012 with __ENT1__ 9 , Nd Cube has taken over development of the series from __ENT2__ .", "Hudson Soft"],
        ["Hudson Softs", "After the development of Mario Party 8 , several of __ENT1__ key designers left to work for __ENT2__ subsidiary Nd Cube , developers of Wii Party .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario Party", "Starting in 2012 with __ENT1__ 9 , __ENT2__ has taken over development of the series from Hudson Soft .", "Nd Cube"],
        ["Mario Party 8", "After the development of __ENT1__ , several of __ENT2__ key designers left to work for Nintendo subsidiary Nd Cube , developers of Wii Party .", "Hudson Softs"],
        ["Nd Cube", "After the development of Mario Party 8 , several of Hudson Softs key designers left to work for Nintendo subsidiary __ENT1__ , developers of __ENT2__ .", "Wii Party"],
        ["Mario Party 8", "After the development of __ENT1__ , several of Hudson Softs key designers left to work for __ENT2__ subsidiary Nd Cube , developers of Wii Party .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Legend of the Seven Stars", ", subtitled __ENT1__ in its North American release , is a role - playing video game developed by Square  and published by Nintendo for __ENT2__ .", "the Super Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["Legend of the Seven Stars", ", subtitled __ENT1__ in its North American release , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System .", "Square"],
        ["Nintendo", "__ENT1__ ported the game , with minor differences , to __ENT2__ service in 2008 and to the Wii Us Virtual Console service by late June 2016 to regions around the world .", "the Wiis Virtual Console"],
        ["North American", ", subtitled Legend of the Seven Stars in its __ENT1__ release , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System .", "Square"],
        ["the Wiis Virtual Console", "Nintendo ported the game , with minor differences , to __ENT1__ service in 2008 and to __ENT2__ service by late June 2016 to regions around the world .", "the Wii Us Virtual Console"],
        ["Square", "The game contains fundamental gameplay similarities and inspirations to other __ENT1__ role - playing video games , such as the Final Fantasy series , with a story and action - based gameplay derived from the __ENT2__ series .", "Super Mario Bros."],
        ["Japan", "It was originally released on March 9 , 1996 , in __ENT1__ and on May 13 , 1996 , in __ENT2__ .", "North America"],
        ["Legend of the Seven Stars", ", subtitled __ENT1__ in its North American release , is a role - playing video game developed by Square  and published by __ENT2__ for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System .", "Nintendo"],
        ["North American", ", subtitled Legend of the Seven Stars in its __ENT1__ release , is a role - playing video game developed by Square  and published by Nintendo for __ENT2__ .", "the Super Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["Nintendo", ", subtitled Legend of the Seven Stars in its North American release , is a role - playing video game developed by Square  and published by __ENT1__ for __ENT2__ .", "the Super Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["Legend of the Seven Stars", ", subtitled __ENT1__ in its __ENT2__ release , is a role - playing video game developed by Square  and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System .", "North American"],
        ["North American", ", subtitled Legend of the Seven Stars in its __ENT1__ release , is a role - playing video game developed by Square  and published by __ENT2__ for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Square", ", subtitled Legend of the Seven Stars in its North American release , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT1__ and published by __ENT2__ for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Square", ", subtitled Legend of the Seven Stars in its North American release , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT1__ and published by Nintendo for __ENT2__ .", "the Super Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["Nintendo", "__ENT1__ ported the game , with minor differences , to the Wiis Virtual Console service in 2008 and to __ENT2__ service by late June 2016 to regions around the world .", "the Wii Us Virtual Console"],
        ["Mario Party", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT1__ series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in __ENT2__ on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Japan"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT2__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Europe"],
        ["Nintendo GameCube", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for __ENT1__ and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Nintendo", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by __ENT1__ and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT2__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Europe"],
        ["Europe", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT1__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT2__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "North America"],
        ["Mario Party", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT1__ series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for __ENT2__ and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Nintendo GameCube"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in __ENT2__ on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Japan"],
        ["Japan", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in __ENT1__ on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT2__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Europe"],
        ["Nintendo", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by __ENT1__ and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT2__ series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Mario Party"],
        ["Nintendo", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by __ENT1__ and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT2__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "North America"],
        ["Japan", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in __ENT1__ on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT2__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "North America"],
        ["Nintendo", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by __ENT1__ and is the third title in the series made for __ENT2__ and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Nintendo GameCube"],
        ["Nintendo", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by __ENT1__ and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in __ENT2__ on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Japan"],
        ["Nintendo GameCube", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for __ENT1__ and was released in __ENT2__ on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Japan"],
        ["Japan", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in __ENT1__ on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Mario Party", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT1__ series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT2__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Europe"],
        ["Nintendo GameCube", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for __ENT1__ and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT2__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Europe"],
        ["Mario Party", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT1__ series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT2__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "North America"],
        ["Mario Party", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT1__ series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for __ENT2__ and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Nintendo GameCube"],
        ["North America", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT1__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in __ENT2__ on September 15 , 2005 .", "Australia"],
        ["Nintendo GameCube", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for __ENT1__ and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT2__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "North America"],
        ["Mario Party", "__ENT1__ 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by __ENT2__ and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario Party", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the __ENT1__ series of board game - style video games by __ENT2__ and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; North America on December 6 , 2004 ; in Europe on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["North America", "Mario Party 6  is the sixth game in the Mario Party series of board game - style video games by Nintendo and is the third title in the series made for Nintendo GameCube and was released in Japan on November 18 , 2004 ; __ENT1__ on December 6 , 2004 ; in __ENT2__ on March 18 , 2005 ; and in Australia on September 15 , 2005 .", "Europe"],
        ["Nintendo", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a __ENT1__ subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in __ENT2__ with offices in Tokyo and Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["Nintendo", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by 78 % in part by __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ by Dentsu , 8.7 % by yet undecided shareholders .", "13.3%"],
        ["Nd Cube Co., Ltd.", "__ENT1__  is a __ENT2__ subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in Japan with offices in Tokyo and Sapporo .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Japanese", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a Nintendo subsidiary and __ENT1__ video game developer based in __ENT2__ with offices in Tokyo and Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["13.3%", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by 78 % in part by Nintendo , __ENT1__ by Dentsu , __ENT2__ by yet undecided shareholders .", "8.7%"],
        ["Nintendo", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a __ENT1__ subsidiary and __ENT2__ video game developer based in Japan with offices in Tokyo and Sapporo .", "Japanese"],
        ["78%", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by __ENT1__ in part by __ENT2__ , 13.3 % by Dentsu , 8.7 % by yet undecided shareholders .", "Nintendo"],
        ["98%", "But in 2010 , Nintendo decided to buy out __ENT1__ of the shares , with ad partner __ENT2__ stepping aside .", "Dentsu"],
        ["Nd Cube", "__ENT1__ is a fully owned __ENT2__ subsidiary .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Japan", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a Nintendo subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in __ENT1__ with offices in __ENT2__ and Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Nd Cube Co., Ltd.", "__ENT1__  is a Nintendo subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in Japan with offices in __ENT2__ and Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Japan", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a Nintendo subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in __ENT1__ with offices in Tokyo and __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Nintendo", "But in 2010 , __ENT1__ decided to buy out 98 % of the shares , with ad partner __ENT2__ stepping aside .", "Dentsu"],
        ["Dentsu", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by 78 % in part by Nintendo , 13.3 % by __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ by yet undecided shareholders .", "8.7%"],
        ["Tokyo", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a Nintendo subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in Japan with offices in __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Nintendo", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a __ENT1__ subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in Japan with offices in __ENT2__ and Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Nintendo", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by 78 % in part by __ENT1__ , 13.3 % by Dentsu , __ENT2__ by yet undecided shareholders .", "8.7%"],
        ["Nd Cube Co., Ltd.", "__ENT1__  is a Nintendo subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in __ENT2__ with offices in Tokyo and Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["Nintendo", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by 78 % in part by __ENT1__ , 13.3 % by __ENT2__ , 8.7 % by yet undecided shareholders .", "Dentsu"],
        ["Nd Cube Co., Ltd.", "__ENT1__  is a Nintendo subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in Japan with offices in Tokyo and __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["13.3%", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by 78 % in part by Nintendo , __ENT1__ by __ENT2__ , 8.7 % by yet undecided shareholders .", "Dentsu"],
        ["Nd Cube Co., Ltd.", "__ENT1__  is a Nintendo subsidiary and __ENT2__ video game developer based in Japan with offices in Tokyo and Sapporo .", "Japanese"],
        ["Nintendo", "But in 2010 , __ENT1__ decided to buy out __ENT2__ of the shares , with ad partner Dentsu stepping aside .", "98%"],
        ["Nintendo", "The company was founded on March 1 , 2000 , as a joint venture between __ENT1__ and advertising firm __ENT2__ , hence the Nd in the name .", "Dentsu"],
        ["Japanese", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a Nintendo subsidiary and __ENT1__ video game developer based in Japan with offices in Tokyo and __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Japanese", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a Nintendo subsidiary and __ENT1__ video game developer based in Japan with offices in __ENT2__ and Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["78%", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by __ENT1__ in part by Nintendo , __ENT2__ by Dentsu , 8.7 % by yet undecided shareholders .", "13.3%"],
        ["Nintendo", "Nd Cube Co. , Ltd.  is a __ENT1__ subsidiary and Japanese video game developer based in Japan with offices in Tokyo and __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["78%", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by __ENT1__ in part by Nintendo , 13.3 % by __ENT2__ , 8.7 % by yet undecided shareholders .", "Dentsu"],
        ["78%", "The subsidiary shares were purchased by __ENT1__ in part by Nintendo , 13.3 % by Dentsu , __ENT2__ by yet undecided shareholders .", "8.7%"],
        ["Super Mario", "The __ENT1__ games follow Marios adventures in the fictional __ENT2__ , usually with Mario as the player character .", "Mushroom Kingdom"],
        ["Mario", "The games have simple plots , typically with __ENT1__ rescuing the kidnapped Princess __ENT2__ from the primary antagonist , Bowser .", "Peach"],
        ["Super Mario Bros.", "The first title in the series , __ENT1__ , released for __ENT2__  in 1985 , established gameplay concepts and elements prevalent in nearly every Super Mario game since .", "the Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["Super Mario Bros.", "The first title in the series , __ENT1__ , released for the Nintendo Entertainment System  in 1985 , established gameplay concepts and elements prevalent in nearly every __ENT2__ game since .", "Super Mario"],
        ["Marios", "The Super Mario games follow __ENT1__ adventures in the fictional __ENT2__ , usually with Mario as the player character .", "Mushroom Kingdom"],
        ["the Nintendo Entertainment System", "The first title in the series , Super Mario Bros. , released for __ENT1__  in 1985 , established gameplay concepts and elements prevalent in nearly every __ENT2__ game since .", "Super Mario"],
        ["Super Mario", "The __ENT1__ games follow Marios adventures in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom , usually with __ENT2__ as the player character .", "Mario"],
        ["Peach", "The games have simple plots , typically with Mario rescuing the kidnapped Princess __ENT1__ from the primary antagonist , __ENT2__ .", "Bowser"],
        ["Luigi", "He is usually joined by his brother , __ENT1__ , and occasionally by other members of the __ENT2__ cast .", "Mario"],
        ["Mushroom Kingdom", "The Super Mario games follow Marios adventures in the fictional __ENT1__ , usually with __ENT2__ as the player character .", "Mario"],
        ["Super Mario", "The __ENT1__ games follow __ENT2__ adventures in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom , usually with Mario as the player character .", "Marios"],
        ["Mario", "The games have simple plots , typically with __ENT1__ rescuing the kidnapped Princess Peach from the primary antagonist , __ENT2__ .", "Bowser"],
        ["Marios", "The Super Mario games follow __ENT1__ adventures in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom , usually with __ENT2__ as the player character .", "Mario"],
        ["Super Mario RPG 2", "Paper Mario , known in Japanese as and originally known as __ENT1__ , is a role - playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by __ENT2__ for the Nintendo 64 game console .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Europe", "It was first released in Japan on August 11 , 2000 , in North America on February 5 , 2001 , and in __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ on October 5 , 2001 .", "Australia"],
        ["Japan", "It was first released in __ENT1__ on August 11 , 2000 , in North America on February 5 , 2001 , and in __ENT2__ and Australia on October 5 , 2001 .", "Europe"],
        ["North America", "It was first released in Japan on August 11 , 2000 , in __ENT1__ on February 5 , 2001 , and in Europe and __ENT2__ on October 5 , 2001 .", "Australia"],
        ["Japan", "It was first released in __ENT1__ on August 11 , 2000 , in North America on February 5 , 2001 , and in Europe and __ENT2__ on October 5 , 2001 .", "Australia"],
        ["Japanese", "Paper Mario , known in __ENT1__ as and originally known as Super Mario RPG 2 , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 game console .", "Intelligent Systems"],
        ["Intelligent Systems", "Paper Mario , known in Japanese as and originally known as Super Mario RPG 2 , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT1__ and published by __ENT2__ for the Nintendo 64 game console .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario", "Paper __ENT1__ was re - released for __ENT2__ in July 2007 as well as Wii U Virtual Console in 2015 .", "Nintendos Wii Virtual Console"],
        ["Super Mario RPG 2", "Paper Mario , known in Japanese as and originally known as __ENT1__ , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 game console .", "Intelligent Systems"],
        ["Super Mario RPG 2", "Paper Mario , known in Japanese as and originally known as __ENT1__ , is a role - playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the __ENT2__ game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["North America", "It was first released in Japan on August 11 , 2000 , in __ENT1__ on February 5 , 2001 , and in __ENT2__ and Australia on October 5 , 2001 .", "Europe"],
        ["Japanese", "Paper Mario , known in __ENT1__ as and originally known as __ENT2__ , is a role - playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 game console .", "Super Mario RPG 2"],
        ["Japanese", "Paper Mario , known in __ENT1__ as and originally known as Super Mario RPG 2 , is a role - playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by __ENT2__ for the Nintendo 64 game console .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Intelligent Systems", "Paper Mario , known in Japanese as and originally known as Super Mario RPG 2 , is a role - playing video game developed by __ENT1__ and published by Nintendo for the __ENT2__ game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["Mario", "Paper __ENT1__ was re - released for Nintendos Wii Virtual Console in July 2007 as well as __ENT2__ in 2015 .", "Wii U Virtual Console"],
        ["Japanese", "Paper Mario , known in __ENT1__ as and originally known as Super Mario RPG 2 , is a role - playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the __ENT2__ game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["Nintendo", "Paper Mario , known in Japanese as and originally known as Super Mario RPG 2 , is a role - playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by __ENT1__ for the __ENT2__ game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["Japan", "It was first released in __ENT1__ on August 11 , 2000 , in __ENT2__ on February 5 , 2001 , and in Europe and Australia on October 5 , 2001 .", "North America"],
        ["Nintendos Wii Virtual Console", "Paper Mario was re - released for __ENT1__ in July 2007 as well as __ENT2__ in 2015 .", "Wii U Virtual Console"],
        ["Nintendo", "Abandoning previous ventures in favor of toys in the 1960s , __ENT1__ then developed into a video game company in the 1970s , ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and __ENT2__ third most - valuable company with a market value of over $ 85 billion .", "Japans"],
        ["Nintendo", "From 1992 until 2016 , __ENT1__ was also the majority shareholder of __ENT2__ .", "Major League Baseballs Seattle Mariners"],
        ["MS-DOS", "Marios Time Machine is an educational video game originally released for __ENT1__ and then for the Nintendo Entertainment System and __ENT2__ consoles .", "Super NES"],
        ["Marios Time Machine", "__ENT1__ is an educational video game originally released for MS - DOS and then for __ENT2__ and Super NES consoles .", "the Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["NES", "The Software Toolworks both developed and published the MS - DOS and Super NES versions in 1993 , while the __ENT1__ version was developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo in 1994 .", "Radical Entertainment"],
        ["NES", "The Software Toolworks both developed and published the MS - DOS and Super NES versions in 1993 , while the __ENT1__ version was developed by Radical Entertainment and published by __ENT2__ in 1994 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Super NES", "The Software Toolworks both developed and published the MS - DOS and __ENT1__ versions in 1993 , while the __ENT2__ version was developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Nintendo in 1994 .", "NES"],
        ["The Software Toolworks", "__ENT1__ both developed and published the MS - DOS and Super NES versions in 1993 , while the NES version was developed by Radical Entertainment and published by __ENT2__ in 1994 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Marios Time Machine", "__ENT1__ is an educational video game originally released for __ENT2__ and then for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super NES consoles .", "MS-DOS"],
        ["The Software Toolworks", "__ENT1__ both developed and published the MS - DOS and Super NES versions in 1993 , while the NES version was developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo in 1994 .", "Radical Entertainment"],
        ["Super NES", "The Software Toolworks both developed and published the MS - DOS and __ENT1__ versions in 1993 , while the NES version was developed by Radical Entertainment and published by __ENT2__ in 1994 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["the Nintendo Entertainment System", "Marios Time Machine is an educational video game originally released for MS - DOS and then for __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ consoles .", "Super NES"],
        ["Radical Entertainment", "The Software Toolworks both developed and published the MS - DOS and Super NES versions in 1993 , while the NES version was developed by __ENT1__ and published by __ENT2__ in 1994 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["The Software Toolworks", "__ENT1__ both developed and published the MS - DOS and __ENT2__ versions in 1993 , while the NES version was developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Nintendo in 1994 .", "Super NES"],
        ["Super NES", "The Software Toolworks both developed and published the MS - DOS and __ENT1__ versions in 1993 , while the NES version was developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo in 1994 .", "Radical Entertainment"],
        ["The Software Toolworks", "__ENT1__ both developed and published the MS - DOS and Super NES versions in 1993 , while the __ENT2__ version was developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Nintendo in 1994 .", "NES"],
        ["Marios Time Machine", "__ENT1__ is an educational video game originally released for MS - DOS and then for the Nintendo Entertainment System and __ENT2__ consoles .", "Super NES"],
        ["MS-DOS", "Marios Time Machine is an educational video game originally released for __ENT1__ and then for __ENT2__ and Super NES consoles .", "the Nintendo Entertainment System"],
        ["Wii", ", the __ENT1__ leads its generation over PlayStation 3 and __ENT2__ in worldwide sales , with more than 101  million units sold ; in December 2009 , the console broke the sales record for a single month in the United States .", "Xbox 360"],
        ["Wii", ", the __ENT1__ leads its generation over __ENT2__ and Xbox 360 in worldwide sales , with more than 101  million units sold ; in December 2009 , the console broke the sales record for a single month in the United States .", "PlayStation 3"],
        ["PlayStation 3", ", the Wii leads its generation over __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ in worldwide sales , with more than 101  million units sold ; in December 2009 , the console broke the sales record for a single month in the United States .", "Xbox 360"],
        ["Wii", "As a seventh - generation console , the __ENT1__ competed with Microsofts Xbox 360 and __ENT2__ .", "Sonys PlayStation 3"],
        ["Wii", "The __ENT1__ is a home video game console released by __ENT2__ on November 19 , 2006 .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Microsofts Xbox 360", "As a seventh - generation console , the Wii competed with __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ .", "Sonys PlayStation 3"],
        ["PlayStation 3", ", the Wii leads its generation over __ENT1__ and Xbox 360 in worldwide sales , with more than 101  million units sold ; in December 2009 , the console broke the sales record for a single month in __ENT2__ .", "the United States"],
        ["Wii", ", the __ENT1__ leads its generation over PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in worldwide sales , with more than 101  million units sold ; in December 2009 , the console broke the sales record for a single month in __ENT2__ .", "the United States"],
        ["Xbox 360", ", the Wii leads its generation over PlayStation 3 and __ENT1__ in worldwide sales , with more than 101  million units sold ; in December 2009 , the console broke the sales record for a single month in __ENT2__ .", "the United States"],
        ["Wii", "As a seventh - generation console , the __ENT1__ competed with __ENT2__ and Sonys PlayStation 3 .", "Microsofts Xbox 360"],
        ["Mario Kart 8", "An enhanced version of __ENT1__ , entitled __ENT2__ , will be released on the Nintendo Switch in April 2017 .", "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe"],
        ["Mario Kart 8", "An enhanced version of __ENT1__ , entitled Mario Kart 8 Deluxe , will be released on __ENT2__ in April 2017 .", "the Nintendo Switch"],
        ["Mario Kart", "The latest title in the series , __ENT1__ 8 , was released on __ENT2__ in May 2014 .", "Wii U"],
        ["Mario Kart 8 Deluxe", "An enhanced version of Mario Kart 8 , entitled __ENT1__ , will be released on __ENT2__ in April 2017 .", "the Nintendo Switch"],
        ["Mario", "It is the first tennis - based game starring __ENT1__ since __ENT2__ , and the second game developed by Camelot on a Nintendo system .", "Marios Tennis"],
        ["Camelot Software Planning", "Mario Tennis , known in Japan as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by __ENT1__ and published by Nintendo for the __ENT2__ video game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["North America", "The game was released in __ENT1__ and Japan in the summer of 2000 , and released in __ENT2__ later in November .", "Europe"],
        ["Mario Tennis", "__ENT1__ , known in Japan as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by __ENT2__ for the Nintendo 64 video game console .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Princess Daisy", "The game is known for being the introduction of Waluigi , and the re - introduction of __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ .", "Birdo"],
        ["Nintendo", "Mario Tennis , known in Japan as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by __ENT1__ for the __ENT2__ video game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["Marios Tennis", "It is the first tennis - based game starring Mario since __ENT1__ , and the second game developed by __ENT2__ on a Nintendo system .", "Camelot"],
        ["Mario", "It is the first tennis - based game starring __ENT1__ since Marios Tennis , and the second game developed by __ENT2__ on a Nintendo system .", "Camelot"],
        ["Camelot Software Planning", "Mario Tennis , known in Japan as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by __ENT1__ and published by __ENT2__ for the Nintendo 64 video game console .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario", "It is the first tennis - based game starring __ENT1__ since Marios Tennis , and the second game developed by Camelot on a __ENT2__ system .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario Tennis", "__ENT1__ , known in Japan as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo for the __ENT2__ video game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["Japan", "Mario Tennis , known in __ENT1__ as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo for the __ENT2__ video game console .", "Nintendo 64"],
        ["Mario Tennis", "__ENT1__ , known in Japan as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 video game console .", "Camelot Software Planning"],
        ["Marios Tennis", "It is the first tennis - based game starring Mario since __ENT1__ , and the second game developed by Camelot on a __ENT2__ system .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Japan", "Mario Tennis , known in __ENT1__ as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by __ENT2__ and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 video game console .", "Camelot Software Planning"],
        ["Waluigi", "The game is known for being the introduction of __ENT1__ , and the re - introduction of __ENT2__ and Birdo .", "Princess Daisy"],
        ["Waluigi", "The game is known for being the introduction of __ENT1__ , and the re - introduction of Princess Daisy and __ENT2__ .", "Birdo"],
        ["North America", "The game was released in __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ in the summer of 2000 , and released in Europe later in November .", "Japan"],
        ["Japan", "The game was released in North America and __ENT1__ in the summer of 2000 , and released in __ENT2__ later in November .", "Europe"],
        ["Camelot", "It is the first tennis - based game starring Mario since Marios Tennis , and the second game developed by __ENT1__ on a __ENT2__ system .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario Tennis", "__ENT1__ , known in __ENT2__ as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 video game console .", "Japan"],
        ["Japan", "Mario Tennis , known in __ENT1__ as , is a 2000 sports video game developed by Camelot Software Planning and published by __ENT2__ for the Nintendo 64 video game console .", "Nintendo"],
        ["Mario", "He has voiced __ENT1__ , the title character in __ENT2__ flagship video game franchise , since 1995 .", "Nintendos"],
        ["Baby Mario", "He also voices __ENT1__ , Luigi , Baby Luigi , __ENT2__ .", "Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth"],
        ["Baby Luigi", "He also voices Baby Mario , Luigi , __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ .", "Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth"],
        ["Charles Martinet", "__ENT1__ is an __ENT2__ actor and voice actor .", "American"],
        ["Baby Mario", "He also voices __ENT1__ , Luigi , __ENT2__ , Wario , Waluigi and Toadsworth .", "Baby Luigi"],
        ["Luigi", "He also voices Baby Mario , __ENT1__ , Baby Luigi , __ENT2__ .", "Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth"],
        ["Mario", "He is best known for voicing __ENT1__ in the __ENT2__ video game series .", "Super Mario"],
        ["Baby Mario", "He also voices __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ , Baby Luigi , Wario , Waluigi and Toadsworth .", "Luigi"],
        ["Luigi", "He also voices Baby Mario , __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ , Wario , Waluigi and Toadsworth .", "Baby Luigi"],
        ["Akasaka", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , __ENT1__ , Minato , __ENT2__ , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in __ENT2__ in Sapporo .", "the Hudson Building"],
        ["Akasaka", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , __ENT1__ , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Japan", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , __ENT1__ , with an additional office in __ENT2__ in Sapporo .", "the Hudson Building"],
        ["Hudson Soft Co., Ltd", "__ENT1__ , commonly known by its brand name Hudson , was a __ENT2__ video game company that released numerous games for video game consoles , home computers and mobile phones , mainly from the 1980s to the 2000s .", "Japanese"],
        ["Minato", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , __ENT1__ , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Minato", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Minato", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , __ENT1__ , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in __ENT2__ in Sapporo .", "the Hudson Building"],
        ["Akasaka", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , __ENT1__ , Minato , Tokyo , __ENT2__ , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in __ENT1__ Midtown , __ENT2__ , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Akasaka"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , __ENT1__ , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in __ENT1__ Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , __ENT2__ , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Hudson Soft Co., Ltd", "__ENT1__ , commonly known by its brand name __ENT2__ , was a Japanese video game company that released numerous games for video game consoles , home computers and mobile phones , mainly from the 1980s to the 2000s .", "Hudson"],
        ["Akasaka", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , __ENT1__ , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in __ENT2__ in Sapporo .", "the Hudson Building"],
        ["Japan", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , __ENT1__ , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , __ENT2__ , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Hudson", "Hudson Soft Co. , Ltd , commonly known by its brand name __ENT1__ , was a __ENT2__ video game company that released numerous games for video game consoles , home computers and mobile phones , mainly from the 1980s to the 2000s .", "Japanese"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in __ENT1__ Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , __ENT2__ , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Minato"],
        ["the Hudson Building", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in __ENT1__ in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Minato", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , __ENT1__ , Tokyo , __ENT2__ , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , __ENT2__ , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in __ENT1__ Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in __ENT2__ in Sapporo .", "the Hudson Building"],
        ["Akasaka", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Minato"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in __ENT1__ Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , __ENT2__ , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in Tokyo Midtown , __ENT2__ , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Akasaka"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , __ENT1__ , __ENT2__ , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Japan"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in __ENT2__ .", "Sapporo"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in Tokyo Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , __ENT1__ , Japan , with an additional office in __ENT2__ in Sapporo .", "the Hudson Building"],
        ["Tokyo", "It was headquartered in the Midtown Tower in __ENT1__ Midtown , Akasaka , __ENT2__ , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Minato"],
        ["the Midtown Tower", "It was headquartered in __ENT1__ in __ENT2__ Midtown , Akasaka , Minato , Tokyo , Japan , with an additional office in the Hudson Building in Sapporo .", "Tokyo"],
        ["Mario Kart", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the __ENT1__ racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and __ENT2__ series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Mario Golf"],
        ["Super Mario RPG", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as __ENT1__ and Paper Mario , and educational games such as __ENT2__ !", "Mario Is Missing"],
        ["Mario Kart", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the __ENT1__ racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as __ENT2__ and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Super Mario RPG"],
        ["Super Mario RPG", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Paper Mario"],
        ["Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other __ENT1__ genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as __ENT2__ !", "Mario Is Missing"],
        ["Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other __ENT1__ genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and __ENT2__ series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Mario Golf"],
        ["Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other __ENT1__ genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as __ENT2__ and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "the Mario Tennis"],
        ["Mario Kart", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the __ENT1__ racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and __ENT2__ , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Paper Mario"],
        ["the Mario Tennis", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as __ENT1__ and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and __ENT2__ , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Paper Mario"],
        ["Mario Golf", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and __ENT1__ series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as __ENT2__ !", "Mario Is Missing"],
        ["Mario Golf", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and __ENT1__ series , role - playing games such as __ENT2__ and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Super Mario RPG"],
        ["the Mario Tennis", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as __ENT1__ and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as __ENT2__ !", "Mario Is Missing"],
        ["Paper Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and __ENT1__ , and educational games such as __ENT2__ !", "Mario Is Missing"],
        ["the Mario Tennis", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as __ENT1__ and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as __ENT2__ and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Super Mario RPG"],
        ["Mario Golf", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and __ENT1__ series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and __ENT2__ , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Paper Mario"],
        ["Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other __ENT1__ genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as __ENT2__ and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Super Mario RPG"],
        ["Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other __ENT1__ genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and __ENT2__ , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Paper Mario"],
        ["Mario Kart", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the __ENT1__ racing series , sports games such as __ENT2__ and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "the Mario Tennis"],
        ["Mario", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other __ENT1__ genres include the __ENT2__ racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Mario Kart"],
        ["Mario", "Since 1995 , __ENT1__ has been voiced by __ENT2__ .", "Charles Martinet"],
        ["Mario Kart", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the __ENT1__ racing series , sports games such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as __ENT2__ !", "Mario Is Missing"],
        ["the Mario Tennis", "Outside of the Super Mario platform series , other Mario genres include the Mario Kart racing series , sports games such as __ENT1__ and __ENT2__ series , role - playing games such as Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario , and educational games such as Mario Is Missing !", "Mario Golf"]

8. 初始规则分析



9. 模型结果分析

结果格式:序号、是否正确、生成规则、统一运算、规则得分、最终结果 ID。



    "['s8(e0,e1).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.463759|s2(e1,e86).', 's8(e0,e2).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.996022|s0(X,Y) :- s10(Y,X).|0.397422|s10(e1,e86).', 's8(e0,e3).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.459428|s2(e1,e86).', 's8(e0,e4).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.362660|s0(e72,e73).', 's8(e0,e5).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.327294|s2(e52,e54).', 's8(e0,e6).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.996022|s0(X,Y) :- s10(Y,X).|0.411960|s10(e6,e47).', 's8(e0,e7).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.351661|s2(e59,e7).', 's8(e0,e8).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.309989|s0(e52,e55).', 's8(e0,e9).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.315525|s0(e52,e53).', 's8(e0,e10).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.427668|s0(e50,e10).', 's8(e0,e11).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.996022|s0(X,Y) :- s10(Y,X).|0.515275|s10(e11,e48).', 's8(e0,e12).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.344811|s2(e58,e12).', 's8(e0,e13).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.996022|s0(X,Y) :- s10(Y,X).|0.368936|s10(e50,e10).', 's8(e0,e14).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.996022|s0(X,Y) :- s10(Y,X).|0.343405|s10(e72,e73).', 's8(e0,e15).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.301035|s2(e11,e48).', 's8(e0,e16).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.299452|s2(e11,e48).', 's8(e0,e17).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.436714|s0(e64,e17).', 's8(e0,e18).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s2(X,Y).|0.419641|s2(e52,e54).', 's8(e0,e19).|1.000000|s8(X,Y) :- s0(X,Y).|0.996022|s0(X,Y) :- s10(Y,X).|0.370191|s10(e19,e81).']",
    "[['eatari<>etheir finest hour', 'eatari 7800<>eatari', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>pits chief products were the __ent1__ st , , __ent2__ , atari lynx , and atari jaguar .'], ['eatari<>eatari , inc .', 'eatari 7800<>etheir finest hour', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>sDUMMY_SYMBOL_8', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_9<>pits chief products were the __ent1__ st , , __ent2__ , atari lynx , and atari jaguar .'], ['eatari<>etheir finest hour', 'eatari 7800<>eatari corporation', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>pits chief products were the __ent1__ st , , __ent2__ , atari lynx , and atari jaguar .'], ['enovell dos<>etheir finest hour', 'ecaldera opendos<>ecaldera', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>pas ownership changed , various later versions were produced with names including __ent1__ and __ent2__ .'], ['emotorola, inc.<>etheir finest hour', 'eunited states<>ecommodore international', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>p__ent1__ is an american multinational telecommunications company based in schaumburg , illinois , __ent2__ .'], ['edigital research<>edigital research', 'ecalifornia<>etheir finest hour', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>sDUMMY_SYMBOL_8', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_9<>p__ent1__ was based in pacific grove , __ent2__ .'], ['edr<>etheir finest hour', 'eibm<>eibm', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>p__ent1__ - dos  is an operating system of the dos family , written for __ent2__ pc - compatible personal computers .'], ['emotorola, inc.<>etheir finest hour', 'eschaumburg<>eintel', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>p__ent1__ is an american multinational telecommunications company based in __ent2__ , illinois , united states .'], ['emotorola, inc.<>etheir finest hour', 'eillinois<>ekey', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>p__ent1__ is an american multinational telecommunications company based in schaumburg , __ent2__ , united states .'], ['emotorola mobility<>etheir finest hour', 'elenovo<>elenovo', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>p__ent1__ was acquired by __ent2__ in 2014 .'], ['elucasarts<>elucasarts', 'ethe star wars<>etheir finest hour', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>sDUMMY_SYMBOL_8', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_9<>p__ent1__ is best known for its graphic adventure games , as well as games based on __ent2__ and indiana jones franchises .'], ['ex86-based<>etheir finest hour', 'emicrosoft<>emicrosoft', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>pms - dos  is a discontinued operating system for __ent1__ personal computers mostly developed by __ent2__ .'], ['emotorola mobility<>emotorola', 'elenovo<>etheir finest hour', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>sDUMMY_SYMBOL_8', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_9<>p__ent1__ was acquired by __ent2__ in 2014 .'], ['enovell dos<>enovell', 'ecaldera opendos<>etheir finest hour', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>sDUMMY_SYMBOL_8', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_9<>pas ownership changed , various later versions were produced with names including __ent1__ and __ent2__ .'], ['elucasarts<>etheir finest hour', 'ethe star wars<>eproduce', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>p__ent1__ is best known for its graphic adventure games , as well as games based on __ent2__ and indiana jones franchises .'], ['elucasarts<>etheir finest hour', 'ethe star wars<>eram', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>p__ent1__ is best known for its graphic adventure games , as well as games based on __ent2__ and indiana jones franchises .'], ['elawrence holland<>etheir finest hour', 'etotally games<>etotally games', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>p__ent1__ is an american game designer , and president of the now defunct __ent2__ .'], ['emotorola, inc.<>etheir finest hour', 'eunited states<>eunited states army', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_10<>p__ent1__ is an american multinational telecommunications company based in schaumburg , illinois , __ent2__ .'], ['ewehrmacht<>ewehrmacht', 'ethe treaty of versailles permitted<>etheir finest hour', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_12<>sDUMMY_SYMBOL_8', 'sDUMMY_SYMBOL_9<>pthe designation __ent1__ for nazi germanys military replaced the previously used term , reichswehr , and was the manifestation of nazi germanys efforts to rearm the nation to a greater extent than __ent2__ .']]",
    "[0.463759 0.397422 0.459428 0.36266  0.327294 0.41196  0.351661 0.309989 0.315525 0.427668 0.515275 0.344811 0.368936 0.343405 0.301035 0.299452 0.436714 0.419641 0.370191]",10

10. 思路

  1. 目前有与的规则,可以看看如何加上非的规则。
  2. 基于规则的方法和基于因果的方法都是比较合理的。
  3. 修改预训练模型。
  4. 修改实体识别和关系抽取方法。